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The original Morse transmitter had consisted of a porte-rule and movabletype.
The printing press with movabletype had essentially been invented in the 1440s.
Both paper and movabletype had to be invented.
The other great event of that same century was the invention of printing with movabletype.
Almost coeval with the advent of these intellects was the invention of printing with movabletype.
Usage of moveable type in inglês
Similarly, the invention of moveabletype and the printing press changed the relationship of author and audience to text.
Scholars will soon get a chance to examine in exquisite detail what is considered the first book printed with moveabletype.
The revolutionary process of printing on a press with moveabletype was pioneered by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany almost exactly a century earlier.
Sometimes also it is printed with moveabletype; and occasionally the musical characters are printed on the paper, and the lines printed afterwards.
Printing from moveabletypes.
In that most generally adopted a mould is taken in plaster from the moveabletypes, and in this the stereotype plate is cast.
Google's Blogger service is looking to get in on the blog-as-social-network phenomenon that software like MoveableType and WordPress have recently started pushing.